Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I'm on a roll.... this is my 4th post on the blog today. John David has been sleeping 2 hours now so I am getting lots done on the computer. I can only download 5 pictures per post and I have so many cute pictures I want to share. Guess I need to read Blogging for Dummies and maybe I can figure out how to put more than 5 pictures per post. These are random pictures. Some are hanging out in the backyard with dad, around the house, etc. ENJOY!

We recently visited Tootsie and Pop in Katy. We had a blast as always.... John David thinks he is on a play date while sitting with the bronze sculptures my parents have on their back porch.

John David LOVES anything on his head!!! I think for his 1st birthday we are going to have a Hat Party... should be funny!

I have been a big slacker on keeping up with the blog. John David will be 9 months old on October 15. He is eating everything and crawling everywhere! I can't turn my back before he is gone or into something. John and I love him more everyday and are just amazed at his development. Enjoy the pictures!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Here of some sweet pictures of John David and his family....

Oh... and how could I forget to mention that there will be a new addition to Carollo family in December!... My sister Jessica and her husband Joe just found out they are having a BOY!!! John David will have a little cousin to run around with. Oh and I just can wait!!

Friday, July 9, 2010